Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Video Re-Enactment of Join Up Disaster

Some people may wonder why I settled on Parelli Natural Horsemanship when there is more known about Monty Roberts here in the UK.

I guess I never understood what I was supposed to do after the “join up.” I looked at my horse and said, "So now what?" and he said, "Anything but this again."

I see that Monty Roberts now has an on-line university. For all I know, he has a great program and also, let’s face it, he sure seems a nice cowboy. If you go to his website you’ll see he is helping mustangs in the United States.

See? Nice. A nice guy.

I think the Parelli group might say that "join up" can be a form of not listening to the horse. But they might say something else entirely. You don’t dare ask. If you say “Parelli” to a Monty Roberts/Kelly Marks follower they spit on the ground. If you say "Monty Roberts" to a Parelli follower they spit on you. That’s just how it is with natural horsemanship. They like to spit.

One thing I will say is that Join up isn’t always the safest thing -- at least not if you have a pony like Milo who was a Sumo wrestler in a past life.

To prove my point, here is my video reenactment of Join Up with my enraged pony, Milo. Actually, he was only acting, too. He loves pretending to try to kill me.


  1. I love your blog - very entertaining!

  2. Thank you! I'm hoping I can get my daughter to help me film this weekend for a new video. I have to cause my idea to become her idea ;)

  3. Really interesting read on horsemanship. Natural Horsemanship isn't talking to horses it’s listening to them. A good horseman can hear a horse talk.
